Email Sales Accelerator

Dramatically increase your revenue from Klaviyo in 90 days.

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“The problem with a small marketing team is lack of resources and time is the big one. The Jellywall Klaviyo Accelerator is like cloning yourself 10 times over, allowing you to finally address all those email marketing goals with a team that gets you and your business.”

- Base London

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Perfect For You If

You know you should be getting more revenue from your emails
Your emails account for less than 30% of your total revenue
You have no customer retention strategy
You have no email marketing growth strategy
You have no time to implement Klaviyo’s extensive features

What You Get

​By implementing our 90 Day Email Sales Accelerator, you will get:

  • More revenue from your Klaviyo account in just 90 days
  • A bespoke email growth strategy
  • Hands-off solution implemented by our team
  • More time back to focus on other areas of your business
Client Email Marketing Images
Client Email Marketing Images

How It Works:

Our Email Sales Accelerator is delivered over 90 days in 2 key stages.


Bespoke Strategy

Starting with a kick-off growth session, we get to know your business,
Perform a Klaviyo audit

Resulting in an email marketing strategy unique to your brand to make a big impact for your business in 90 days.



Once the strategy has been set, we implement your strategy to ensure results are delivered whilst freeing you up to focus on other areas of your business:

This includes:

• Sending email campaigns
• Optimising automations
• Analysing performance
• Monthly reporting


If you're just starting out with Klaviyo, we'll use our expertise to ensure your email marketing account is set up for growth. We'll make sure your data is migrated efficiently, set up sign up forms to begin collecting customer data and warm up your Klaviyo account correctly to ensure maximum results.


If you've been using Klaviyo for a while but are not benefiting from its full potential, we'll use our expertise to optimise your current account and take it to the next level. We'll perform an in-depth account health check to highlight the areas you're missing out on more revenue, implement A/B tests to better understand your audience and set up advanced flows to maximise results.

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